Why Gelbvieh

The first cows to step foot on our land were purchased from Circle A Ranch as bred heifers. We purchased ten Angus and ten Baldies the first year. We continued to expand with more Angus and Hereford genetics until our herd consisted of around 200 quality momma cows. The Baldie cow still remains one of our favorite.

However, as time passed we became more interested in the free advantages of heterosis. Both of our foundation breeds were British cattle and it seemed possible to increase weaning weights by using a Continental Bull on our cows. We settled on Gelbvieh after extensive research and many ranch visits. After purchasing a few Gelbvieh bulls we anxiously awaited the results from our next calf crop.

How did they do? I can tell you that we have never purchased another Angus bull. The Gelbvieh and Balancer bulls added growth and vigor to our calves. We saw the value of crossbreeding daily at Narrow Gate Cattle Company. Our Gelbvieh bulls added pounds to our commercial cows without losing maternal traits. The daughters made incredible replacements. To say we are sold on Gelbvieh would be an understatement. To say we put our own money on Gelbvieh would be much more appropriate.

ear-tag Top 50 Breeder

Narrow Gate Cattle Company is one of the largest Gelbvieh breeders in Missouri and ranks inside the Top 50 in the entire U.S.


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    Nibh eu elit cursus, felis placerat elit leo tellus dignissimos iaculis. Sed pede tellus odio nulla hendrerit leo, id sollicitudin ut lorem